9 Μαΐ 2008

10 Μαίου : Buy Nothing Day

Ας προσπαθήσουμε τουλάχιστον...

What ya need is what they selling
Make you think that buyin is rebellin.

dearest members. 10th may is saturday. Lets not shop. AT ALL

No cigarettes, no water, no food, no junk, no clubs, no disco, no alcohol, NOTHING.

Just give it a try. CAN YOU ALL DO IT?

well... i can.

It's a day where you challenge yourself, your family and friends to switch off from shopping and tune into life. The rules are simple, for 24 hours you will detox from consumerism and live without shopping. Anyone can take part provided they spend a day without spending!

We want people to make a commitment to consuming less, recycling more and challenging companies to clean up and be fair. The supermarket or shopping mall might offer great choice, but this shouldn't be at the cost of the environment or developing countries.

Just for One Day. thats all we ask. hope its not that hard.

lets make this world a better place to live.

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